:Types of cream UHT Light cream
UHT Honey Cream
UHT Date Cream
UHT Banana Cream
Frozen Cream
UHT Cooking Cream
UHT Simple and Flavored Cream Products

Weight: 200 grams
UHT cream is a product that is sterilized through the advanced UHT technology (made by Sweden) at 145◦ C temperature for 4 seconds, which destroys all microorganisms while maintaining the quality properties of the product without the use of preservatives. Therefore, due to its specific production and packaging conditions, this product can be stored in ambient temperature for long time before being opened.
This product is suitable for breakfast and also can be used in confectionery industry, chocolate and creamy snacks, food industries, dairy, baby food, home uses and so on. Due to the development of the dairy industries and considering the customers’ tastes, Palood decided to add flavored sterilized creams such as honey cream, banana cream, and date juice cream to its product portfolio.

UHT Light Cream

UHT Light Honey Cream

Weight: 200 grams
UHT cream is a product that is sterilized through the advanced UHT technology (made by Sweden) at 145◦ C temperature for 4 seconds, which destroys all microorganisms while maintaining the quality properties of the product without the use of preservatives. Therefore, due to its specific production and packaging conditions, this product can be stored in ambient temperature for long time before being opened.
This product is suitable for breakfast and also can be used in confectionery industry, chocolate and creamy snacks, food industries, dairy, baby food, home uses and so on. Due to the development of the dairy industries and considering the customers’ tastes, Palood decided to add flavored sterilized creams such as honey cream, banana cream, and date juice cream to its product portfolio.

Weight: 200 grams
UHT cream is a product that is sterilized through the advanced UHT technology (made by Sweden) at 145◦ C temperature for 4 seconds, which destroys all microorganisms while maintaining the quality properties of the product without the use of preservatives. Therefore, due to its specific production and packaging conditions, this product can be stored in ambient temperature for long time before being opened.
This product is suitable for breakfast and also can be used in confectionery industry, chocolate and creamy snacks, food industries, dairy, baby food, home uses and so on. Due to the development of the dairy industries and considering the customers’ tastes, Palood decided to add flavored sterilized creams such as honey cream, banana cream, and date juice cream to its product portfolio.

UHT Light Date Cream

UHT Light Banana Cream

Weight: 200 grams


UHT cream is a product that is sterilized through the advanced UHT technology (made by Sweden) at 145◦ C temperature for 4 seconds, which destroys all microorganisms while maintaining the quality properties of the product without the use of preservatives. Therefore, due to its specific production and packaging conditions, this product can be stored in ambient temperature for long time before being opened.

This product is suitable for breakfast and also can be used in confectionery industry, chocolate and creamy snacks, food industries, dairy, baby food, home uses and so on. Due to the development of the dairy industries and considering the customers’ tastes, Palood decided to add flavored sterilized creams such as honey cream, banana cream, and date juice cream to its product portfolio.

Weight: 5 kg, 10 kg

This product is produced and supplied in frozen form in 5 and 10 kg polyethylene packages in two types of fatty and high-fat in order to be used in production of other food and dairy products such as: reconstructed cream, pasteurized butter, etc. This product is also used as a raw material in dairy industries such as production of various types of cream, butter, food industries, bread industry, etc.

Full Fat Pasteurized Cream

UHT Cooking Cream 50%

Weight: 1 liter
This product is among the UHT creams, which is used in cooking due to its thinner texture. It is worth mentioning that due to its specific production and packaging conditions, this type of cream can be stored in ambient temperature for long time before being opened. This type of cream is available in Tetra Pack 200-cc and 1-liter packaging.

Weight: 200 cc
This product is among the UHT creams, which is used in cooking due to its thinner texture. It is worth mentioning that due to its specific production and packaging conditions, this type of cream can be stored in ambient temperature for long time before being opened. This type of cream is available in Tetra Pack 200-cc and 1-liter packaging.

UHT Cooking Cream 35%

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